
A now page is where one explains what they are up to right now.

I am serving as the Associate Rector for Formation at St. John’s Episcopal Church, and the Chaplain of St. John’s Day School. I’m building a sustainable children’s & youth ministry and developing a long-term vision for formation and spiritual growth at St. John’s. I preach regularly (though I’m out of the habit of posting) and enjoy teaching classes and leading all sorts of groups! I am teaching the Gospel of Mark & preparing for Confirmation!

I am writing occasionally for Earth and Altar, and producing my church’s podcast, One More Thing.

I am participating in the work of Our Own Deep Wells: Awakening Soulful Practice for Wellness (OODW) is an initiative co-founded by scholar/activist Dori Baker (Spy for Hope LLC) to remedy the current mental health crisis facing young people. Read more here.

In my free I am hiking southwestern Virginia, walking the Blackwater Creek Trail, & I play chess online.

Updated 1.21.2023